A Canvas-based walking & building simulator
A Canvas-based walking & building simulator
Notable features:
- Procedurally generated map with biomes and patches of resources
- Inventory system with block placement support
- Save & Load capability
- The game utilizes OffscreenCanvas to cache resized textures and improve performance
- Special Development, Debugging, and Testing modes
- Autogenerated documentation
- Extensive description of the development and deployment process
- Keyboard navigation and screen reader support.
I worked on this project in a Team of 5 as part of the EECS 448 class at the University of Kansas. I took on the responsibilities of a team lead, which involved keeping the team on track, prioritizing features, and working on the most complex parts of the project. Later we presented the project in front of 100 peers.
Other team members lacked some experience with JavaScript, which made this project harder.

Online demo
Video Demo
Technologies used
Since there was a varying level of experience among the team members, we decided not to use any fancy framework. Instead, I wrote a tiny MVC library modeled after Backbone.js's views.
Additionally, we used the OpenSimplex Noise generator to facilitate biome and terrain generation.
There is autogenerated documentation based on JsDoc comments and extensive deployment instructions.
Things learned
This project was developer under unique circumstances in the sense that when we begun it we didn't try to think to hard about what we were trying to achieve and just went along for the ride to see what we get out of it.
While that's not the way I commonly approach projects, this gave us a sense of freedom from externally imposed contains or fear of missing on expectations.
Still, I am very happy with the result, especially the procedurally generated map algorithm I developed.
One of the few goals we set at the beginning of this project was to not use any external libraries beyond what native HTML/CSS/JavaScript offered. This gave us an opportunity to learn about low level things like keyboard navigation and canvas rendering. At the same time, beyond the learning opportunity, this was not the most efficient way of doing things as we ended up reinventing solutions to solved problems.